LCS 2023 Spring Split Preview: Evil Geniuses

Evil Geniuses had 15 wins last split before making a solid run through the playoffs. They’ll be looking to reclaim their LCS title when the season begins.

Projected Starters:

Top: Ssumday

Ssumday was with 100 last split. He was acquired over the offseason and will be starting at top for EG this year.

Jungler: Inspired

Inspired was with EG last split. He will be returning to continue his starting duties in the jungle this season.

Mid: Jojopyun

Jojopyun was with EG last split. He will be returning this season and will continue to start at mid for the team.

Bot: FBI

FBI was with 100 last split. He was acquired over the offseason and will be starting at ADC for EG when the season starts.

Support: Vulcan

Vulcan was with EG last split. He will be returning this season to his duties as starting support for EG.

EG had some changes over the offseason, but a nice chunk of their core is still there. We expect they will be relevant at the end of the split as they have seemingly always been recently.

Projected Finish: Playoff Team